Friday, February 18, 2011

An Update..

I feel like I owe an update and my lack of posting is causing me a little anxiety :) 

My absence in the blogging and photography world is due to..........

My husband and I are excited to announce that we will be adding our 3rd baby to our family this SUMMER!

We are thrilled, anxious, and nervous all at the same time.
This first trimester has been a little tough and I have not been doing any photo sessions. I am sorry to those who have called and emailed that I have had to tell no.

I APPRECIATE you all so much!

As far as any future sessions go I will be doing as many as I can between The last couple weeks of March and the middle of May.

I have a history of rough pregnancies that have resulted in the last 8-10 weeks being on bed rest. I am hopeful and cautiously optimistic that this will not be the case this time. However, it is a real possibility. 

So for that reason I am only booking sessions through mid May. After that I may book some sessions depending on how things are going.

Thank you to those who are still checking my blog and contacting me. I truly appreciate you so much!